2021.06.30 Press Release

EditForce completed fund raising by third-party allotment and AMED adopts our program

Fukuoka, Japan, 30 June, 2021 – EditForce Inc. (“EditForce”) has raised 500 million yen (approximately 4.51 million US dollars) on 30 June, 2021, from MP Healthcare Venture Management, Inc.(“MPH”), FFG Venture Investment Limited Partnership No. 2 and Yoshimei Co., Ltd. by third-party allotment.

Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) adopts our program in "Project Focused on Developing Key Technology for Discovering and Manufacturing Drugs for Next-Generation Treatment and Diagnosis (Development of RNA-targeted drug discovery technology)"

Utilizing the funds raised this time and the support from AMED over the next five years, we will continue to enhance and strengthen pipelines through alliances with universities and companies in Japan and overseas and to promote research and development for the application of PPR platform technology to pharmaceutical products.

For details, see EditForce completed fund raising by third-party allotment and AMED adopts our program (PDF)
